We can find that desktop based ones are heavy and thick. It needs additional storage and cooling. It offers comparatively a lesser amount of battery life. The advantage of cheap android tablets is that it can run several applications like Photoshop, other mobile applications, and more with ease. It possesses more number of ports too. Mobile based or phone like tablet personal computers can run only the mobile applications.
In just two years, there has been an increase in usage of tablet PC by 282%. There are currently 122 million and 156 million users of iPad and cheap android tablets respectively. This makes nearly seventy percent of total tablet users across the globe. The various operating systems that are being utilized during manufacture of tablets on sale are Android, Blackberry OS, iOS particularly Modbook, Linux versions – 2005 and Tizen, Windows versions 3.1 to 7 and Windows 8. The operation system named WebOS is now discontinued.
Cheap android tablets are having Android operating system that is basically Linux based. Google provides it just like an open source specifically under Apache license. The Android is basically designed for use in the mobile devices like tablet computers as well as smart phones only. It supports ARM systems at low cost. Several systems like this have been announced since the year 2010. Most of the tablet initiative using Android has been put forward by several manufacturers.
Google at first concentrated only on smart phones. It limited application market from the different non-phone gadgets. In 2011, many more features of tablets were introduced in Android. Only after this, vendors like Lenovo and Motorola started to bring their tablets on sale.
The Android three versions also known as Honeycomb and its successors support most of the tablets, bigger screen sizes, and offer Google play service access. Android basically contains middleware, OS and important applications. The fragmentation of its market happened with the introduction of new customized tablets with Android Operating system. The newly released were Kindle Fire and Nook. They were utilized for consuming more of mobile content. It offers its own application store apart from usage of big system of Google Play. Google presented Nexus 10 and cheap android tablets personal computers a year ago.
The main makers of hardware who shipped tablets with Android Operating system are Asus, Toshiba, Acer, Sony and Samsung. The BlackBerry tablet operating system is used in BlackBerry PlayBook. Even though it was announced few years before, it was released into the marked only in 2011. This operating system is based totally on QNX system. It has been well accepted across the globe.