The National Weather Service used a new tool to warn people before a tornado
tore through Moore, Okla., on Monday – an automatic best cell phone
deals alert the agency also plans to use to notify Bay State
residents about twisters and other dangerous storms.Authorities can use the
Wireless Emergency Alert system to send warning messages to mobile phones in a
particular geographic area about imminent threats and disasters, Amber Alerts
for abducted children and national emergencies announced by the
Developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the
Federal Communications Commission and wireless companies, the system went live
nationwide last year, although not all Latest
Smartphones or carriers are equipped to receive messages from
it.Mobile phone owners in Massachusetts not yet acquainted with the system may
have gotten a first peek Monday night, when many phones emitted a jarring tone
and flashed a message about an Amber Alert for a brother and sister kidnapped
from a Braintree foster home.
Mobile phone owners can opt out of
receiving alerts, except for those issued by the president. Users can check with
their carriers to see if they receive emergency messages.In New England, the
Weather Service plans to use the alert system for tornadoes, hurricanes and
severe ice storms, among other potentially major threats, according to
Cell phone companies are now selling or looking to
sell massive troves of information about their customers including their
physical locations, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal released
Wednesday.It shouldn't come as a huge surprise that Buy Cell
Phones companies are recording and selling your data. Sites like
Google and Facebook have been doing that for years, The Wall Street Journal
points out. The difference is, you're paying for your cell phone service, and
you're not paying to use sites like Facebook and Google, which makes it slightly
more socially acceptable for them to do what they will with your data.
There's no hiding from data collection anymore. At this point, you
cannot reasonably expect to exist in the modern world and not have your personal
data sold to an advertiser. A few brave souls have quit Google due to privacy
fears, but quitting Google, social media, and giving up your discount cell
phones? That's another story.